Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog 18: Third Answer

What is the most effective way to help a suicidal teen overcome suicidal thoughts?
-The most effective way to help a suicidal teen overcome suicidal thoughts is by helping them find at least one support system.

  • Talking to someone lets the teen know they're not alone.
    • My mentees have let me know having me there lets them know that they're not alone.
  • All a suicidal teen needs is at least one strong support system.
    • My mentor told me that there was one person who was constantly calling to check up on her and that was one of the only reasons she was able to overcome suicide.
  • In a five and a half year period 11,152 calls were made to a suicide hotline.
    • Many of the callers were looking for a support system, someone to talk to. 
My personal experience in mentorship, my mentor, an article called "Suicide: A Review of Calls to an Adolescent Peer Listening Phone Service"

"A lot of you cared, just not enough." Jay Asher . We just need to help the teens focus on that one strong support system.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

  1. How do you feel that helping someone build confidence will help them overcome suicide?
  2. What are some ways to help a suicidal teen build self confidence?
  3. How is talking about what's going on helping the suicidal teen overcome suicidal thoughts?
  4. Why do you believe it's tough to ask someone for help when feeling suicidal?
  5. What can be done to change someone's feelings towards talking about suicide?
  6. How many support systems do you think someone who is suicidal should have??
  7. Why could one support system enough?
  8. What are the most common misconceptions about suicide?
  9. How can educating the general public be vital to helping a suicidal teen overcome suicidal thoughts?
  10. Why do you think teens have such a tough time talking about suicide?
  11. What group of people do you think would benefit most from being educated in suicide?
  12. Why wouldn't it be more beneficial to educate the other?
  13. What do you consider a safe home?
  14. What would make a safe home enough?
  15. How would a suicide awareness event affect teens at school?
  16. What group do you think has a tougher time approaching suicide?
  17. What can be done to let people know what to do to approach suicide?
  18. What is the importance to educating teens on what can happen if they don’t report a friend who is suicidal?
  19. What can be done so that suicide is taken seriously?
  20. What is the most effective way to help a suicidal teen overcome suicidal thoughts?