Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

I plan to interview Psychologist Allen. I'm still awaiting his confirmation, if I don't interview him then I plan to find someone in my mentor's office.
The reason I plan to interview the psychologist Allen is because his profile caught my eye because he is rather new to the field of Psychology.
The additional questions I plan to ask are

  • What is the most rewarding part of what you do?
  • What was the determining factor that made you decide that this is what you want to do?
  • What is your ultimate goal in this field?
  • If you were to advise me to stay away from this field what would be your reasoning? 
  • What is the most common drug you prescribe? What does this drug help most with?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. Suicidal Youth

  • iPoly Citizen: I would love to have an assembly sort of arrangement with all of the senior class, if not the whole school, about what can be done to help someone who is suicidal. I would like to show ways to notice someone who is suicidal and what to do in the scenario. 
  • Effective Learner: I know that there are many different parts to psychology in general, I would like to become a professional on the topic of suicide by the time I go to college. I know that learning about such a big topic is going to require me to be a life long learner and I feel as though I am prepared.
  • Effective User of Technology: I was a bit stumped when it came to this bullet point because I never really thought of applying technology with the suicidal youth. Come to think of it, learning how to track someone's behavioral patterns with technology would be faster, therefore allowing me more communication time with my patient. 
  • Effective Communicator: Being able to talk to someone who is suicidal requires the best communication skills achievable. This year I will be fully committed to learning the best way to communicate with not just the suicidal community I am hoping to help, but with people in general. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Mentorship Component

2. The contact name is Rosy Lara. Her phone number is 909) 332-8865.
3. Some of the questions that were raised during my summer mentor ship were
 "Do I really want to do this for about 9 months?"
"How would I do a 2 hour presentation on jewelry?"
Those are pretty much the only questions I had.

4. The most important thing that I gained from this experience was that to be a successful business owner you must be able to tailor to the needs and wants of every individual customer.

5. What I did during my summer mentor ship did not help me choose a topic. In the end I realized that I did not want to learn about jewelry, nor pursue the business end of owning a shop. I prefer to get to know the customers rather than crunch numbers. My summer mentor ship experience allowed me to open my eyes and see that what I really want to do is actually interact with people.