Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blog 12: Third Interview Questions

What is the best way to help a suicidal teen overcome suicidal thoughts?
What is the best way to help a suicidal teen overcome suicidal actions?
What do you believe is a harder thing to put a stop to, thoughts or actions, and why?
Have you had any experience in finding a "best way"?
Have you found any success in a stress box?
In our previous interview we spoke of your personal experience, what would you say helped you most?
Would you say there are some common interests in suicidal teens? If so, what are they?
How do you believe we can use these interests to help suicidal teens overcome suicidal thoughts?
Going back to our question, what do you define as "best way."
How will "suicidal thoughts" be measured?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blog 11: Mentorship 10 hours check

1. Where are you doing your mentorship?
- I am doing my mentorship at San Jose Elementary School with my mentees. This is the school my mentor assigned me to.
2. Who is your contact?
- Patricia Azevedo
3. How many total hours have you done?
- 12 hours and 20 minutes.
4. Summarize the 10 hours of service you did.
- I met with my mentees, I talked to them about personal experiences. We spoke about different things that work and don't work for them and how those could be changed to accommodate them better.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Senior Project, The Holiday

1. What did you do over the break with your senior project?
-I researched a few different articles about depression and drug and alcohol consumption.

2. The most important thing I learned is that there are different types of depression and that each one should be treated differently. I was also reviewing a few blurbs about the trust a teen and his or her therapist need to have. It was actually a random movie that was playing and the patient had no trust in his therapist and things did not flow smoothly. This is when I decided it would be a great idea to research this topic.

3. I would talk to and ask my mentor. She is very knowledgeable on different suicidal signs, and has counseled different suicidal teens.